Spieth, Christian and Supper, Jochen and Streichert, Felix and Speer, Nora and Zell, Andreas

JCell - a Java-based framework for inferring regulatory networks from time series data

Bioinformatics vol. 22 (2006), no. 16, pp. 2051-2052


Motivation: JCell is a Java-based application for reconstructing gene regulatory networks from experimental data. The framework provides several algorithms to identify genetic and metabolic dependencies based on experimental data conjoint with mathematical models to describe and simulate regulatory systems. Owing to the modular structure, researchers can easily implement new methods. JCell is a pure Java application with additional scripting capabilities and thus widely usable, e.g. on parallel or cluster computers.

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  author = {Spieth, Christian and Supper, Jochen and Streichert, Felix and Speer,
	Nora and Zell, Andreas},
  title = {{JCell} - a Java-based framework for inferring regulatory networks
	from time series data},
  journal = {Bioinformatics},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {2051-2052},
  number = {16},
  abstract = {Motivation: JCell is a Java-based application for reconstructing gene
	regulatory networks from experimental data. The framework provides
	several algorithms to identify genetic and metabolic dependencies
	based on experimental data conjoint with mathematical models to describe
	and simulate regulatory systems. Owing to the modular structure,
	researchers can easily implement new methods. JCell is a pure Java
	application with additional scripting capabilities and thus widely
	usable, e.g. on parallel or cluster computers.},
  url = {http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/16/2051?etoc}